Weighing the Benefits and Drawbacks of Online School: A Middle Schooler’s Perspective

Disclaimer: Articles written by Young Writers do not face as much editorial scrutiny as those written by high school students.

These days, being able to socialize and stay in touch with your friends can be difficult, but there are many ways to see those you love and miss while staying safe. My friends and I go on walks outside, throw a lacrosse ball, take bike rides, or even go out to get ice cream at nearby town centers like Cabin John Mall or the Potomac Village while staying socially distant and wearing masks.  

My friends and I love doing these outdoor activities since we are on the computer or electronics for the majority of the day. 

Virtual learning has been difficult. Looking at my computer screen during school hours, then doing homework after hours, then also managing my social life on other electronics such as my phone, can be a lot to handle. Headaches and tiredness often occur daily. This has been a struggle for many of my friends and my siblings as well. 

However, the lunch breaks and smaller breaks in between each class are helpful because they give us some time to look away, get food or water or go outdoors and do an activity that can benefit us. 

Some things I also enjoy with online school that I do not have in school ar, being in the comfort of my home for school, seeing my family throughout the day and being able to eat or drink when I choose. I can also bring school wherever I choose, so I can take my classes outside, to my be, or even to a nearby town center! 

Although these aspects of online learning are great, I continue to wish for in-person school. When I wake up early to go to school in person, it has more purpose in my mind. I am waking up to get dressed, present myself, and go to my place of work. When I wake up to just look at a computer all day, it makes it harder for me to see the purpose and it is more difficult for me to find the motivation to go to school and my work, for it is all just on a computer. I do not consider Zooms classes to be online “school;” I simply consider its online work, just like homework that we had before COVID-19. I also appreciated having teachers in person to help me at any time I needed, instead of only being available during Zoom classes or over email.

Additionally, staying focused has been a major challenge for me and my classmates due to the nature that classes are being held in. In many classes you can turn your camera off, so it is harder to stay engaged.

“I’m at home, so I’m distracted I can just go on my phone or eat while I’m in school, which makes it so much harder for me to focus,” my friend and classmate Arielle Klewans said. 

I agree with her opinion and statement, for I cannot focus on the same way at home as when I am in school as well. 

I believe that reopening schools would be a better option that could benefit all of us. We could find ways to keep the school building clean and safe while being able to interact and communicate with others in the building. There are many ways to keep the number of people in a building at once limited, stay distanced, and keep each sanitary while being able to give people the majority of an in the school experience. 

Although it may seem complicated and difficult, I have faith that over time our community will find ways to bring us back together into one school system that benefits everyone.

Article by Izzy Grabo of Hoover Middle School

Photo by May Pham of Walter Johnson High School

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