The Montgomery County Regional Student Government Association

The Montgomery County Regional Student Government Association, MCR-SGA, is Montgomery County’s county-wide student leadership organization that seeks to represent the voices of MCPS high school students. The MCR Executive Board is comprised of around 100 students and four officers: President Layna Teitelbaum, Vice President Hana O’Looney, Treasurer Arvin Kim and Secretary Shairee Arora. 

The Executive Board is further broken down into eight departments: Chief of Staff, School Communications, Community Relations, Public Relations, Educational Policy, Legislative Affairs, Special Elections and Special Issues. Each department is composed of directors and members who have a specific responsibility within the organization to ensure that MCR can focus on representing the student voice. 

The goal of MCR is to best portray the views of the students in all 26 MCPS high schools across the county through lobbying, testifying, supporting SGAs, interacting with local policymakers and more. MCR creates opportunities for students to encourage student advocacy, leadership and interactions with other student leaders across the county. By connecting with school SGAs and other community organizations, MCR gains a broader understanding of important issues and perspectives on those issues.

Despite having a virtual school year with unexpected challenges, MCR has quickly adapted to the new circumstances by hosting interactive and educational virtual events. MCR has monthly Executive Board meetings open to everyone, as well as General Assemblies, creating more educational and student leadership opportunities. By maintaining a strong social media presence of over 3,000 followers on Instagram and constantly updating its website ( with new press articles, MCR has spread important information about upcoming events, opportunities and updates. 

Using the virtual space to its advantage, MCR hosted many workshops last summer, including email-writing, testifying, virtual lobbying and graphic design, allowing students to expand their knowledge and skills, even online. In addition, MCR has hosted forums and events spotlighting topics students are passionate about, including School Resource Officers (SROs) in schools and voting registration, as well as college seminars, creating platforms for different student perspectives and discussion. 

Overall, MCR is dedicated to growing the student voice, even in a new and unprecedented time. To get involved with MCR, sign up and join in on meetings and events, publicized on Instagram (@mcrsga) or on the MCR website ( and look out for Executive Board applications later in the year. 

Article by Anna Li of Poolesville High School

Photo Courtesy of MCR-SGA

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