UFO’s in the world

Unidentified flying objects (UFOs) are a widely-discussed phenomenon in modern society. The likelihood of life beyond planet Earth is an enduring possibility. The U.S. government is currently looking into over 650 UFO sightings. Each month, the government receives reports of over a dozen unidentified objects in its skies. What should individuals conclude from these sightings?

Most UFO sightings are of non-threatening objects such as recreational and spy balloons. However, a slim percentage of unidentified objects—possibly with abnormal characteristics like high-speed travel and unusual flight patterns—could pose a danger. Their uncommon traits place them outside humanity’s current understanding, allowing one to question the origins of these objects.

Some accuse the U.S. government of concealing information about UFO sightings from the public, but the Pentagon claims that there is no substantial evidence linking these objects to space. On the other hand, although many argue that their distinctive flight patterns indicate advanced flight mechanisms developed in China, these speculations also remain unsubstantiated. 

Many congressional representatives have pushed to hold more hearings with the government to answer questions about UFO sightings. While Congress has held more hearings, many questions remain unanswered.

In his interview with CNN, working for the Pentagon office Sean Kirkpatrick said, “It could just be a foreign entity. It could be a hobby. It could be anybody…and those are the things that we have to look into.”

A famous example of a mysterious UFO observation is the 2004 “Tic Tac” sighting by Navy pilots. During a routine training about 100 miles southwest of San Diego, a radar on their ships detected an anomaly. In a CBS news interview, former Navy Commander David Fravor said, “Advanced radar on a ship that was a part of their training group, the USS Princeton, detected what operators called ‘multiple anomalous aerial vehicles’ over the horizon, descending 80,000 feet in less than a second.” The highly unusual flight pattern detected on that day remains an unexplained phenomenon. Officials claim they are still actively investigating many cases. For now, UFOs will remain a puzzle in the world until researchers learn more about these mysterious objects.

Written by Romina Mofrad of Walt Whitman High School

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