Distance learning’s impact on Montgomery County Students

Distance learning has come across as a major challenge for many students and parents. Teachers can only go so far to ensure that students are paying attention in class. Even with the camera turned on, it is almost too easy for students to zone out during a presentation or pick up their phones.

“I definitely feel myself getting distracted way more and going on my phone during classes,” Richard Montgomery High School sophomore Shairee Arora said. 

Students also mentioned not being able to focus on schoolwork or homework after classes end. 

“When I’m at home I can’t focus as well as I used to. I’m just waiting to get back to school,” Poolesville High School sophomore Swetha Sridaran said.

Although it has been hard to adjust at first, many students are now enjoying the benefits of distance learning. A major factor of course, is sleeping in. 

“I love that I can wake up later than usual, and attend school in my pajamas,” Snowden Farm Elementary School fifth-grader Akshaj Mareddy said. 

With the new schedules, high school students have much more flexibility during the day, such as a 1.25-hour lunch, as compared to 55 minutes for in-person school. Another perk is the virtual check-in times, where students can choose whether or not they want to attend office hours with teachers, leaving both students and teachers much more free time during the day.

“I love [having] Wednesdays to catch up, and I just feel like I have more autonomy which I enjoy,” Arora said.

With the fourth week of school already over, many students have become accustomed to their new life. 

Although many students feel left out of important and symbolic high school events like football games, spirit days and Homecoming, many are confident Montgomery County schools will be able to come back stronger in the spring.

With potentially only four more months left to go in the virtual semester, the strength and perseverance of students across the county will continue to be put to the test.

Article by Hrishita Mareddy of Richard Montgomery High School

Graphic by Ha-tien Nguyen of Winston Churchill High School

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