How do Students in MCPS Feel About Climate Change?

According to, climate change began in 1830. The impacts of rising temperatures are not subtle. The warming earth temperature is causing melting glaciers and sea ice, shifting precipitation patterns, and extreme weather events. Resulting impacts on humans and animals worldwide are just starting to be felt. 

What do students in Montgomery County think of the effects and problems of climate change?

The MoCo Student interviewed a few students from Hallie Wells Middle School, and they all seemed to be concerned about climate change. Some of them, in their concern, have stated to try to bring reusable utensils and water bottles. A student at Hallie Wells MS said, “Yeah, I think many national and local leaders are taking action to climate change, especially if you look at the Student Member Of The Board Hanna O Looney. She has made lots of changes and spoke out for the students and community about eco-friendly buses, reducing waste at school, and doing other different things.” Another student said, “Although we do these small things to try and help, it doesn’t make a significant difference. Lots of leaders ignore the problems and try to do as little as they can. But as they do that, the problem just continually gets bigger.” 

From what was said by the students interviewed by the MoCo Student, it seems that the students of MCPS think we can do more to combat climate change

What can we do to take action? A few middle schoolers gave input. Some ideas included traveling less, living car-free or switching to electric cars, and buying energy efficient appliances, such as washing machines. Other steps that can be taken are switching from a gas heating system to an electric heat pump, or even insulating your home. The effects of climate change are rapidly increasing, which is why the kids in MCPS are trying their best to make an impact.

Written by Ayza Siddiqi of Hallie Wells Middle School

Photo by May Pham of Walter Johnson High School

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