Many creative arts and craft activities have been re-emerging these past few years, especially during the pandemic. One of these art mediums is paper quilling, a decorative form of art commonly used for greeting cards, boxed gifts, and more.
There is a rich history tied to paper quilling, dating back to around the 15th century. According to My Modern Met , it is believed to have been created by French and Italian nuns and used to decorate religious objects in an effort to save money. Although paper quilling has history, it still remains a notable art form today and has evolved beyond solely religious purposes. Artists coil thin strips of paper using a quilling tool and piece together coils of various shapes and sizes to create art that mimics mark-making.
Yulia Brodskaya is a famous paper quilling artist, and she uses modern techniques to make contemporary designs out of colored paper strips. Her art style has continually amazed people with the exciting and new ways she approaches paper quilling. Some of her famous works are called Seeing and Free Spirit, known most notably for their large scale and intricacy.
Paper quilling art is an imaginative craft that is not only simple to learn but also very inexpensive. It can become a hobby while quarantined and, perhaps, the catalyst for a new art revolution.
Article by Rio Guttierez of John F. Kennedy High School
Photo Courtesy of Pinterest
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