The Masked Singer, a masterful show based on King of Masked Singer, a South Korean show, is a family friendly extravaganza of a magician’s fairytale. The elaborate costume designs are fascinating enough to impress. From a four-legged llama to a night angel, the production is bizarrely random but in the best way possible. It is exactly what America needs during these troubling times.
The Masked Singer is a singing competition show in which judges attempt to identify the celebrity hidden under a costume. Superstar Nicole Scherzinger, physician-comedian Ken “Dr. Ken” Jeong, actress Jenny McCartney-Wahlberg, and “Blurred Lines” singer Robin Thicke sit on the panel as permanent judges.
Now on its third season on FOX, former America’s Got Talent host Nick Cannon watches as judges try to pinpoint endless clues. Due to the use of a voice modulator, guessers can only use contestants’ singing voices in their predictions.
As it is forbidden to bring mobile phones to the venue, audience members and viewers alike take to the internet in hope of scoping out who’s under the mask. At the end of every episode, the competitors with the lowest audience votes must show their identity in defeat. These stellar performances reign a symbol for innovative US television.
The Masked Singer airs Wednesdays at 8/7c on FOX.
Article by Brigitte Kaba of Walter Johnson High School
Photo from Parade
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