Cabin John SGA sets up haunted house

At Cabin John Middle School, on October 25, the Student Government Association (SGA) hosted a haunted house. Before the day of the haunted house, people needed to buy tickets, which were $5, and bring a signed permission slip to watch the movie “A Quiet Place” as well as eat pizza, popcorn, chocolate, and drink juice.

On Friday of the haunted house, the SGA representatives that were taking part stayed after school to prepare for the haunted house. They made it look creepy. They turned a classroom into a real haunted house that made Halloween real! There are a string of knives and spider webs with colorful spiders. Don’t forget the blood dripping everywhere – you can’t see a sight of no blood.            

When you go inside the haunted house, it looks really cool but very dark and eerie, with a lot of monsters all over the place, mainly zombies, but also a vampire, werewolf, Frankenstein, and so much more death-frightening creatures! The guide will welcome you and talk about how many visitors they get, which is not a lot. Then, a creepy doll will walk up to you and try to befriend you, by saying, “Be my friend!”. That’s the start of the haunted house. But it’s not over yet!                                   

When you walk around, the monsters will stare at you or say things to you. They also hide. One pair of zombies wanted to play. They said, “Come play with us!” just to scare the creeps out of you. It’s too eerie when monsters do things to you, but of course, we are in reality, so it’s not real.

A 6th grader at Cabin John Middle School, Chloe Wharton, recalled that she and her friends screamed very loudly. The monsters were dressed up scary- looking, obviously, and jumped up scaring people. Cara Ngo, another 6th grader at CJMS, and a friend of Chloe Wharton, saw there were bloody footprints in the scene. Super scary! The werewolf jumping was also frightening, and also the creepy doll, a freaky mad scientist, bloodied but dead zombie girls, and a mysterious person with a black robe and mask.

But overall, the people that came had fun getting the chills. The SGA did a great job making the haunted house a fun night for those who came!

Article by Qwyen Le of Cabin John Middle School

Photo courtesy of Avantika Selvarajan of Cabin John Middle School

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