Westland Growl Feature: Why the US Education System is Failing Us, the Students

Why The U.S Education System is Failing us: the Students

By Jacob Rains


Something is becoming more apparent to those in school systems across the country every day, our education system is failing its students. Students across the country are losing interest in school and performing a lot worse on tests every day. Every day our education system fails us. Its an education system that is preparing its students for a type of economy that does not exist any more. Its a system that instead of inspiring creativity and critical thinking skills denounces them. It’s a one fits all system that doesn’t allow different types of learners to grow.

When will the time come around that education experts sit down and admit to their failure. When is it the time that educators admit to not being able to to prepare their students for 21 century jobs. When is it that we decided to admit we are doing something wrong.

Let’s work together across America to make a change. To bring our education system back to where it was: number one. Let’s create a system that brings the best out in all of us and inspires a generation. Its not hard, if we work together. If our younger peers can work as teams in school to solve problems together, why can’t we do the same.

Reforming a broken system won’t be easy. Revamping the way we evaluate teachers is actually a pretty good idea. Why not give we give teachers a 360 degree review like those in the private sector. Students spend the most time in the classroom with a teacher but never get to point out their strengths and weakness. Lets not only here other teachers thoughts on how teachers are doing lets move forward with student evaluation of teachers, its hard to admit but it works and its a game changer.

Let’s put social interaction back into the curriculum of our schools. Lets teach children the skills they will need in the workplace. Lets teach them about innovation and working together. Let’s not flood students with tests and quizzes that do not accurately measure their knowledge. Let’s bring hands on learning into our schools. Let’s expand a child’s  mind with out of classroom experiences.

Now is not the time to make excuses, now is the time for action. Let’s go out and change the world one step at a time. That first step must be revamping our education system so we can better teach future generations and make America great again. Its not that hard, if students can work together, why can’t our government.

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