MCPS Invites Parents to Participate in Strategic Planning

Has your family recently received a Strategic Plan Survey from MCPS in the mail? Have you been wondering why it was sent to you? We have the answer!

The Montgomery County Public Schools Board of Education has decided to recreate its core values in cooperation with Superintendent Dr. Starr. This survey is a way for the Board of Education to get community input in order to make future plans for Montgomery County Public Schools. It is part of the improvement efforts that will allow parents to assess the academic achievements of their children so that MCPS can make better arrangements to ensure that its students are well prepared for their future. Participation in this survey will give administrators and other school staff an understanding of what parents think of their child’s school and the education they receive from their teachers every day.

The mission of this survey is to improve the communication between the schools and the families of the students who attend the school. Now that you know this, make sure that the next time you see this survey, you don’t throw it away! Give it to your parents so that the county knows what YOU need to succeed now and in the future!

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